Mr.AN THYAGARAJA, Chief Project Officer (Retd) from Govt. of Karnataka with over 35 years of experience in various infrastructure sectors such as construction and design of Highways, Bridges, ROBs, Flyovers (Grade Separators) with MORTH standards & Innovation Technology. Also experienced in design & Construction of Govt. Buildings, Hospitals, High rise Buildings with fast track technology.

Experienced in Road Sector planning, network management, Strategy asses Management, Funding of highways, Road Asses Management, Budgetary Management, Field Surveys & Investigations., Review of traffic, Highway capacity overlaying and pavement design, estimating costs based on technical forecast etc., Expertise includes road safety, value engineering and infrastructure durability.

Has supervised designed & executed several projects for various multifunctional agencies including world bank & Asian development bank.

Member of several international recognized professional affiliated bodies. Fellow of engineers (India) and a Charted Engineer.

Has Supervised and executed several landmark state highway projects, Bridges, ROBs, Grade Separators (Flyovers) in Karnataka State in the areas of planning, design, construction, Costing feasibility studies and project management. Preparation if quality assurance plan, Finalization of Design, Road Safety and Maintain Standards.

Experienced in Directing, Supervising, Guiding and Co- Ordinating the team members at site for successful completion of projects.

Experienced in preparation of documents for arbitration and presentation in Arbitration before proceeding Arbitrators.

He has analyzed the characteristics of existing road network in various states in India with focus on NH, SH, and MDRs. He has also planned for its development using Indian Road Development Plans and with the help of highway model developed using EMME-4.

He has experience in directing, guiding and coordinating the work of members of the team at Site; Interaction with road development agencies and other concerned agencies; Review of all available data, reports and documents, maps and satellite imageries, etc. about the project road and the project influence area; Carrying out reconnaissance survey; Preparation and finalization of Quality Assurance Plan; Finalization of design, safety and maintenance standards.

He has experience in preparing preliminary cost estimates, complete economic analysis, planning, formulation of design standards, development of alternative improvement proposals, development of evaluation criteria for improvement options, traffic surveys, analysis, forecasting,

preparation of volume and capacity maps, desired line diagram, and prioritization of road improvement programme and preliminary engineering.

A) Education

(i) Field of Graduation and year : B.E. (Civil Engineering) in 1980

(ii) Field of post-graduation and year : Master of Engineering in Structures Engineering in 1983

(iii) Any other specific qualification : Karnataka Engineering Service (KES) K.P.S.C. in August 1992