Overview of our company

The company was founded with an INSIGHT to provide quality services in Infrastructure with Safety, Inspection, Geotechnical investigations, Highway Engineering and Transportation as outline.

The company was incorporated on 7th November 2017 as per the Registrar of Companies with its Head office in Bangalore.

The company has young talent who are committed and capable of delivering the documents on time with quality. The quality process of the company makes every employee to follow quality procedures and well acquainted with PEER review and TRC.


The main Purpose of incorporation is to deliver quality service within the timeframe.


The insight is give a quality service and become the choice of client.

Mission statement

Vision is Development

Core values

ITCPL – Initiative, Teamwork, Commitment, Perception and Loyalty


To be the choice of client

Pre-Tender and Post -Tender Services

Detailed Project Report

Road safety & Proof checking

Our Directors .

Thyagaraja A N
Honorable Chairman
Kiran Kumar J
Managing Director
Aruna Sree J
Chandrakala KV

Organogram .